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SEO Specialist - Hartlepool

SEO Specialist

The search engine optimisation (SEO) specialist is one of those jobs that has become crucial for every business that uses the internet to win customers. Whether you hire an SEO consultancy or have an in-house SEO executive will largely depend on how big your company is and how dependent it is on online visibility, but an increasing number of businesses large and small are taking on a full-time specialist.

Essentially, the SEO specialist is someone who ensures that an organisation appears higher up on the search rankings when potential customers search for terms related to their business. SEO has become a minimum requirement for any online business, as neglecting it can quickly allow smaller businesses, even brand new ones, to overtake established companies in search rankings. And with the first page of search engine results pages still being statistically more lucrative than even the second page, SEO needs to be much better than minimum standard.

The skills required

SEO specialist jobs require a deep understanding of what optimisation means today, as yesterday’s SEO practices can be at best ineffective, and at worst can lead to forced de-ranking by the search engines when they break their rules. SEOs need to tread that careful path between following good practices and pushing the envelope just a little to get results without overdoing it.

There’s a whole wealth of tools at the disposal of the SEO professional, from Google Analytics to the dozens of proprietary software solutions that analyse competitor performance, keywords, site speed and all other elements of SEO. The more you have expertise in, the better.

SEO Specialist Jobs in Hartlepool

The town of Hartlepool grew up around a monastery and abbey in the 7th century, and the population grew slowly to about 900 by the early 1800s. As the town grew, however, so did the docks, and its importance as a dock became larger when the railways arrived in the mid-1800s, connecting the town to the cities of the North West of England. This pushed Hartlepool to another level, and before long many shipping companies were setting up there.

Industry was soon to follow, with ironworks and shipyards locating in the town, which to this day boasts Europe’s largest dry dock. Able UK operate a facility just outside the town which is now used for decommissioning massive vessels such as aircraft carriers and freight ships. Together, the engineering sector employs close to 2000 people in the town. There is also a nuclear power station, an advanced gas-cooled reactor type, which since its opening in 1983 has become the town’s single largest employer. It is due to close down in the mid to late 2010s, but another plant is planned.

There is a lot going on in Hartlepool, and it’s a diverse place to live in, with jobs related to the heavy industry, maritime work and the usual high street and local shops and service industries that keep the town thriving. It’s a great place to look for a SEO Specialist job, as this diversity throws up many possibilities in the logistics, procurement and supply chain fields.

SEO specialist jobs at Cast UK

Do you know your Screaming Frog from your Searchmetrics? Have you saved a company’s skin through SEO or pushed it to the top of Google in its sector? There are companies who want to talk to you right now. Follow the link below to register with us.

If your company needs an SEO executive, or if you’re a digital marketing agency that is looking to fill its ranks with more SEO talent, Cast UK might just have the perfect candidate for you. Please call us on 0333 121 3345 so we can start optimising your workforce.

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