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Digital Community Builder - Watford

Digital Community Builder

Today, if your business doesn’t have at least some profile in the social media sphere, it may as well not exist. It’s that social voice that informs customers, pushes the corporate narrative and helps grow the community and spread word of mouth recommendations that are priceless. Getting these communities up and running, and making them grow and perform, is the task of the digital community builder.

In smaller niches, it’s possible to get by without using Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram and Facebook, which can actually prove detrimental. In these cases, the digital community builder will be more focused on getting inside the niche or its related industries, identifying key influencers, and using that profile to guide the narrative, usually through private online forums and newsletters, but possibly also through the use of business social, news aggregators and discussion forums such as LinkedIn, reddit and Quora.

The skills required

Digital community builder jobs will always require a proven track record of professionally growing a corporate social profile to make a difference. Just being active on social media and building your own brand might help for some positions, but it will depend on the nature of your niche and whether you can show a methodical mindset and demonstrate accurate before and after figures.

However, you should understand all aspects of modern social media and private community building techniques. You’ll know how to grow an audience and how to monitor and enhance it, as well as keeping abreast of the techniques such as paid ads and other growth tools on the most appropriate platforms for a given business.

Digital Community Builder Jobs in Watford

A town located in Hertfordshire, Watford is just 18 miles from London and is a busy area with many opportunities for those seeking Digital Community Builder roles.

It also boasts easy access to the capital - via overground trains or the Metropolitan underground line - making it perfect for those who want to work in London, but live away from the hustle and bustle of the big city.

Situated on the River Colne, Watford is thought to have originated during the Saxon period and was mainly an agricultural area until the Industrial Revolution. Thanks to the completion of the Grand Union Canal in 1798 and the London and Birmingham Railway in 1837, the city quickly began to expand.

During this period, manufacturing became an important part of the local economy, particularly paper-making, printing and brewing.

For most of the 20th century, a Rolls-Royce factory was located in Watford, which was responsible for manufacturing jet engines. This site was shut down in the early 1990s and re-born as the world-famous Leavesden Film Studios, which has been used for work on blockbuster franchises like James Bond, Star Wars and Harry Potter.

In line with the rest of the country, the service sector has taken over in Watford during the last 20 years and the city is now home to various multimedia companies. What's more, a number of large companies have the headquarters here - including Mothercare, Hilton and JD Wetherspoons.

Popular locations

Digital community builder jobs at Cast UK

Do you love getting social and watching your subscriber and follower numbers grow? If you’ve done it professionally or have shown a professional mindset in your private community building, you could be very useful to companies up and down the country. Leave your details by registering using the link below.

If your business isn’t growing its community – or if it’s shrinking – it’s possible that a talented digital community builder could be just what you need to stop the rot and get your name talked about. Call 0333 121 3345 and Cast UK can find you some very sociable candidates who are (unsurprisingly) eager to talk.

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