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VP of Human Resources - Rotherham

VP of Human Resources Jobs

When companies reach the upper echelons of size, status and reach, their human resources becomes more than a department; it is almost a community, a population. It is at this stage that a president and vice-president of human resources is appointed. They are overseeing directors, managers and HR teams to ensure the company is getting the most out of this important asset and that all regulatory procedures are being followed to the letter.

The VP of HR immediately manages directors and senior managers in HR specialisms, ensuring they are fulfilling their roles of guiding the company in the direction set by the board. In multinational companies, this means overseeing the HR teams in multiple political and legal jurisdictions, with all the challenges and opportunities that that represents. He or she is a significant presence on the board, and needs to be able to identify internal and external experts who have brought global or national benefits to their HR teams and win them over to the cause.

The skills required

In a large company the VP of human resources works alongside the president of HR and the top company executives to initiate, oversee and deliver the corporation’s goals with regard to all staffing matters. Practically speaking, this means overseeing a chain of command right down to HR staff in various locations, so a strategic mindset and an ability to communicate company policy to the senior HR team unambiguously will be a key skill.

VPs are often promoted internally, but it’s not unusual for talented and highly experienced HR professionals to land such roles from outside the company. You will need many years of experience in HR, having worked your way up the ladder through management and directorship before you can attain vice-presidency. Experience in the relevant sector is invaluable, as all industries have their own requirements and expectations.

VP of Human Resources Jobs in Rotherham

Rotherham first came into bloom in the Middle Ages, when it became an important market town for the region. But it was the discovery of coal in the area that made it into an industrialised town in the 18th and 19th centuries. This helped the iron smelting works that sprung up, and Rotherham became well known for its cast iron, with its fireplaces, stoves and fencing being exported widely.

Later, the skills were used to develop steelworks, but although successful, it was neighbouring city Sheffield that became synonymous with quality steelware. Ironically, Rotherham is now a respected centre of high-tech steel components, and some of its local firms precision engineer steel for the aviation and motor racing industries. Rolls Royce have recently started work on a casting factory for their jet engine components, such is the expertise in the area.

One trade Rotherham also became well known for was milling (hence Rotherham United FC’s nickname “the millers”). Dozens of large mills were erected in the town, with grain being brought into the city from the surrounding areas. The link with the food industry remains today, as Premier Foods has a warehousing and distributions centre, which is in fact on the site of a mill. This is one of the reasons, along with good road, rail and industry links, that makes Rotherham a good place for VP of Human Resources vacancies.

Rotherham is the home town of goalkeeper David Seaman (and referee Howard Webb), politician William Hague and, most importantly, Barry and Paul Elliott, also known as the Chuckle Borthers.

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Find VP of Human Resources Jobs with Cast UK

Cast UK is the chosen partner of hundreds of companies up and down the country looking to fill executive and senior management level HR positions. We’ve built such a reputation for sourcing the very best people that we are the only recruitment consultancy they contact when they plan to bring in some top talent.

So if you are in senior level HR, get in touch with us on 0333 121 3345 and leave your details in complete confidence. We might have the perfect next step in your human resources career, and it could be right at the top of the tree.

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