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Solution Design Manager - Watford

Solution Design Manager jobs

Logistics is growing in complexity almost as fast as software can keep up with it, but the revolution in the sector that IT has allowed cannot be denied. That leaves a set of hugely important roles in the field, namely the designers of solutions to keep everything running smoothly and analyse results.

While many off-the-shelf solutions are available, companies with the budget and the need will often design their own logistics solutions. This could be because of specific requirements of their company or simply so that they have ownership of the solution, cutting down on licensing fees. Companies seeking to build and maintain solutions either through which to run the whole operation or to deal with, say, invoicing or analysis will hire solutions design managers to head its development and use.

A good, flexible system that will grow with the company and allow the integration of other departments’ activities will, if it works well, save the company significant amounts of money on administration, lost orders and customer relations, to name but a few advantages. And any implementation will need a good solution design manager to keep it running at full throttle.

The skills required

First-class IT skills will be required for this role, even if the manager is not personally programming or setting up networks. They will have to have an intimate knowledge of the system, its capabilities and its limitations if it is to be successful. Previous experience of setting up or managing software solutions will be essential.

Superb analytical skills will be necessary, as will great people-management, motivational skills and communications; software solutions can require late nights and long hours when they need fixing, so it’s important to have a team that gels.

Successful solution design managers will need an exceptional aptitude for self-motivation. He or she could be one of only a handful or people who understands the inner workings of the solution, so good problem-solving skills will also be required.

Solution Design Manager Jobs in Watford

A town located in Hertfordshire, Watford is just 18 miles from London and is a busy area with many opportunities for those seeking Solution Design Manager roles.

It also boasts easy access to the capital - via overground trains or the Metropolitan underground line - making it perfect for those who want to work in London, but live away from the hustle and bustle of the big city.

Situated on the River Colne, Watford is thought to have originated during the Saxon period and was mainly an agricultural area until the Industrial Revolution. Thanks to the completion of the Grand Union Canal in 1798 and the London and Birmingham Railway in 1837, the city quickly began to expand.

During this period, manufacturing became an important part of the local economy, particularly paper-making, printing and brewing.

For most of the 20th century, a Rolls-Royce factory was located in Watford, which was responsible for manufacturing jet engines. This site was shut down in the early 1990s and re-born as the world-famous Leavesden Film Studios, which has been used for work on blockbuster franchises like James Bond, Star Wars and Harry Potter.

In line with the rest of the country, the service sector has taken over in Watford during the last 20 years and the city is now home to various multimedia companies. What's more, a number of large companies have the headquarters here - including Mothercare, Hilton and JD Wetherspoons.

Popular locations

Cast UK’s logistics opportunities

Cast UK’s founder members are from the logistics, procurement and supply chain sectors, and our consultants are from the same fields, so we know what both employers and candidates are looking for. Our own success depends on our filling management and executive positions with the best people, so we have an interest in making sure we know our candidates and employers as well as possible.

People approach us looking for work for many reasons, chief among them seeking more fulfilment, moving house or looking for a promotion. Cast UK is the consultancy that not only candidates but also many employers come to first, so if you’re looking for a career change in logistics, there’s a good chance we’ll have a great job for you.

The positions we offer cover the whole of the UK, so please check out what’s available in your region and do get in touch if you’ve seen something you’re interested in – your career might be about to take a positive turn!

To find out more about how Cast UK can help you recruit a Solution Design Manager for your business or find you a job as a Solution Design Manager then contact one of our consultant team on 0333 121 3345.

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