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Should you risk lying on your CV?

Rachel Williams

Jul 20, 2016

Should you risk lying on your CV?


1. You will get caught
You may have got away with it before but at some point you will get caught out! It will be awkward and embarrassing for everyone involved and potentially damaging for your career. If you’ve told an elaborate story on your CV about something that never really happened, it’s likely you’ll end up in an uncomfortable position trying to explain yourself, either in an interview or worse – after you’ve actually got the job.
2. You may lose your job or be prevent from getting another
What you think is a little white lie on your CV could end much worse than expected. If your lie is uncovered once you’ve landed the job, you’re at a high risk of being fired from the job you so desperately wanted. If you’re found out during the application process, you’re likely to have ruined your chances, who wants to hire a liar? Your reasons for lying don’t matter to a prospective employer, it’s the fact that you did it that’s bad enough. Future managers and colleagues will struggle to put their trust in you after you’ve been caught out.
3. You will damage your reputation
Your professional reputation is so important in the working world, you need to be seen as an honest and trustworthy individual by current and future employers. It’s going to be difficult to ask for a reference from a previous employer that you’ve lied to. If you work in a specialist industry, word about your CV fibs may travel fast, meaning you risk being ‘flagged’ by other employers because of your dishonesty.
4. You may be prosecuted for fraud
It’s not outside the realm of possibility that you’re taken to court for giving false information on your CV. It is against the law to lie in order to land yourself a job. One small lie can have some much bigger consequences than you think. Our advice would be to avoid lying on your CV at all costs! As recruiters, if we find out you’ve lied, we’ll be wondering what else you’re lying about and it puts us in a difficult position to assist in your job search. There are many other ways to make your CV stand out. It’s all about knowing how to sell yourself on your CV. Use our full writing guide to improve your CV - find it here.