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Peak Recruitment - Tips for Success

Gary Robinson

Jul 13, 2017

Peak Recruitment - Tips for Success


I was at DHL for 10 years with my previous roles being very much in operations and transport management. Peak at DHL was different to the norm, usually falling at the beginning of the year and coming into the summer months, with it being DIY retail. Most of the clients that we deal with today have their peak traditionally; kicking off around July in terms of recruitment and then ramping up personnel in October right through to January.

How can a specialist recruitment consultancy like Cast UK help clients for peak?

Where a specialist consultancy like ourselves can add value is our first-hand experience in the sector. A lot of our consultants have worked through peak themselves in operations, logistics and retail, so we’ve got the added benefit of knowing the pressure that’s on at peak. We also know the calibre, type and the background of the candidate that our client will be looking for. When we’re sourcing candidates it’s a key benefit that we know things like the acronyms, terminology and language that’s being used. Particularly, when it comes to peak where we are recruiting temporary staff, it’s quite different to hiring permanent staff in terms of what you should be looking for, so I think that we can add a lot of value in that area.

What are your top tips for peak recruitment success?

  1. Do not leave it too late. We’re just coming into July now and most of our clients are beginning their recruitment for peak. The process for these assignments can take anywhere between 4 to 6 weeks with some people then starting in August.
  2. Start people early prior to the peak period. Get them integrated into your business so they can get to know the culture and the different working styles of the team. This will set them in good stead for when everything starts to ramp up in terms of volume, they know exactly what they’re doing and they won’t be coming into it cold.

What additional benefits do hiring interim professionals for peak periods bring?

Hiring interim's during peak is massive; it gives you the flexibility to upscale your workforce for that temporary period. In our business, we work with a lot of professional interim's who will specialise in peak. There are a number of really talented contracting candidates on the market at the moment, who are out of work for various reasons and can come in to your business to do a great job for you over the next 3, 4, 5 months and add value to your operation. The beauty of taking on interim professionals is that you can then close that contract down in January, so you’re not paying for any resource that you don’t need into the new year. Watch my full video interview here: https://youtu.be/4Lzo2Pqihoc If you would like to talk to someone regarding your peak recruitment requirements, get in touch today on 0203 805 7000 or email at garyrobinson@castuk.com