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Our top tips on how to survive the first week of your new job

Rachel Williams

Jul 12, 2016

Our top tips on how to survive the first week of your new job

Firstly, relax…remember that your new employer has already decided you’re the right person for the job. All you need to do now is make a good impression and get to know your new team. We asked our teams for some top tips from our consultants on how to get through the first week of your new job.
Here’s what they told us:
1. "Be on time, look sharp and get involved wherever you can". Gareth Steggles, Managing Consultant. 2. "Ask as many questions as you can - there is no such thing as a “stupid question”. Your first couple of weeks is exactly the time to ask questions about some of the basics! From where the coffee lives to certain processes, it just shows that you are genuinely interested in learning the ropes of the new role and ensures that you are doing things right, rather than assuming that it is". Aimee Gleave, Managing Consultant. 3. "Make sure you offer to do the brew round!" Rosie Williamson, Consultant. 4. "Sometimes there is a gap between your interview and start date so there is value in thinking back to your interview and remembering why the team really loved you. From day one it should be your mission to focus on those aspects to impress". Rachel Williams, HR Manager. 5. "Introduce yourself to everyone in the business early on". Chris Roberts, Senior Consultant. 6. "Be keen, show enthusiasm! Always get involved; meet and interact with your new colleagues. Go the extra mile. Smile. Have fun!" Oh, and buy the boss lots of gifts and make him/her cups of tea on demand..." Wayne Brophy, Managing Director. 7. "Overdress rather than underdress. It’s always better to look smart than scruffy". Richard Williams, Senior Consultant. 8. "Start as you mean to go on! First impressions count, and the first few days on the job are a good sign of whether you are “meant to be”. Be yourself, remember that the tone you set within the first week for the way you work will set out how your new employer and colleagues will expect you to behave on an ongoing basis". Dan Bevan, Senior Consultant. 9. "Write notes – on EVERYTHING! Peoples names, tasks, expectations, job functions". Rosie Ordman, Senior Consultant. 10. "Have a positive mentality and be enthusiastic". Dan Rowe, Managing Consultant. 11. "Remember (make a note if required) of everyone’s names after you meet them the first time, however big the company. Use their names next time you see them. They’ll be impressed with your recall and you’ll make a positive impression with your new colleagues". Mark Nesbit, Senior Consultant. 12. "Smile and find common ground with your team members". Tessa Woodhead, Consultant. Finally, don’t forget about us - YOUR RECRUITER! If there is something you’re unsure of, ring your recruiter and sound it out with them. We are genuinely here to help, particularly at this stage be it little questions around start time, location, dress code, etc. We know our clients inside and out, so we can certainly provide some hints and tips in the first few weeks to get you up and running. Your recruiter should be able to put you at ease and advise you on the best course of action. If you’d like more advice for job search visit our candidate section or to speak with one of our experts call 0161 825 0825.