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Need for speed to secure talent in the candidate-led job market

Daniel Kirk

Apr 24, 2017

Need for speed to secure talent in the candidate-led job market


It’s safe to say that if you are interviewing highly skilled candidates, they’re probably in the recruitment process with other companies too. The huge surplus of available positions and the issue of skills shortages across the country means that top candidates have more flexibility than ever and the power is in their hands… We’re seeing the impacts of this trend ourselves, witnessing clients losing amazing candidates who are backing out during the recruitment process because the business simply wasn’t moving fast enough. Speed is of the essence in the current candidate-led job market. If you aren’t proactive and fast in your hiring process, the candidates you want will be hired by another business in no time.
Here’s our top tips to speed up your recruitment process:
  1. Be clear on exactly what you want
This will prevent time wasted on ‘maybe’ applications. Follow your instincts and only progress applications that you’re sure of.
  1. Be flexible when interviewing
If the candidate is right for your business, do everything you can to interview them as soon as possible. Consider travelling to them, Skype interviews and meeting them outside of working hours.
  1. Have an efficient recruitment process
Agree interview dates in advance with anyone who needs to be involved and don’t drag out the process with too many interview stages. Here’s our previous blog on why your interview process is so essential to your brand.
  1. Don’t delay your offer
Keep the time period between application, interview and offer at a minimum so the candidate you want doesn’t get snapped up by someone else.
  1. Give speedy feedback
Leaving a candidate in lurch, waiting to hear from you, is likely to put them off and move on to the next opportunity. Good candidates won’t hang around…
  1. Use a specialist recruiter
I know we’re biased but a recruitment consultant has the knowledge, experience and network to speed up the entire recruitment process. A recruiter has unrivalled access to best the people in the market and the resources needed to get them on board. Here’s 4 signs that you need the help of a specialist recruiter.
  1. Get them on board ASAP
After you’ve made the offer, plan to get them in the business as quickly as possible. Hopefully the candidate’s notice period isn’t too long, but if it is, invite them in to experience their working environment before they start. Give them chance to meet their team and make them feel welcome. If you require the help of a specialist recruiter to speed up your recruitment process and get the best talent into your business, get in touch today on 0161 825 0825.