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Hotseat: Olivia Fisher, Procurement & Supply Chain specialist

Suzanne Elsdon

Oct 13, 2017

Hotseat: Olivia Fisher, Procurement & Supply Chain specialist


We sat down for a chat with Liv about why she chose a career in recruitment and what she thinks of the role so far.
  1. What attracted you most to a career in recruitment?
Responsibility. I like the idea of having your own desk and essentially building up your own business and then hopefully being best recruiter in Yorkshire!
  1. What did you do in the first few weeks?
I was completely new to recruitment so there was a lot of training. If I could sum it up in one word, it would be volume! I picked up the phone more times in that first week than ever before.
  1. What has been your biggest success in recruitment so far?
It would have to be my first client meeting. I set the meeting up all by myself in my first few weeks and went over there with my manager. We walked out of there knowing the client, knowing exactly what they needed and with 6 jobs to recruit for!
  1. How would you describe the Cast UK culture?
Definitely work hard, play hard. Everyone is constantly on the phone and constantly working but they are also having a really good time, having a laugh and working together.
  1. What do you think makes a good recruitment consultant?
Fearlessness; the ability to go there and pick up the phone no matter how you’re feeling or how your days been. So yeah, just the ability to get on with it.
  1. What is your favourite thing about the job?
Probably talking, I like chatting to people and finding out what they’ve had for lunch… but also finding what type of people they’re looking for in their company and speaking to my candidates to find out their skills and how they can implement them in a business.
  1. What advice would you give to anyone considering a career in recruitment?
To do it! I don’t think you really understand what recruitment is until you are in there the midst of it; talking to businesses and candidates. I certainly didn’t understand the ins and outs of recruitment but if you have the confidence and like talking to people then absolutely, give it a go.
  1. What is the toughest aspect of the job?
Probably rejection. It’s crazy to me, but not everyone wants to speak to me all the time – sometimes they are busy and sometimes they’re just not interested. You have to be able to just stand up, brush yourself off and get back to it.
  1. How did you survive the intensive training programme?
With lots and lots of cups of tea!
  1. What is your personal motto?
Definitely work hard play hard. If you put the effort in, do the volume and if you do the numbers you will get rewarded. To watch Olivia’s full video interview, click here.

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