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Flexible working: the answer to logistics recruitment challenges?

Wayne Brophy

Jun 12, 2019

Flexible working: the answer to logistics recruitment challenges?


Talent for Logistics’ new report makes for alarming reading for anyone involved in logistics recruitment. Only 8% of young people see logistics as an attractive career option. So far, nothing new? But a staggering 42% don’t even know what logistics is and only 18% had been spoken to about logistics as a potential career option. The report provides recommendations for how to attract young millennials to logistics. However, we want to focus on how flexible working can help you attract top talent NOW too - and why it’s not as unworkable as it first seems.

Flexible working: a competitive edge in attracting top talent

Competitive compensation packages remain crucial in attracting top logistics talent. But they no longer cut it on their own. Employers who can offer experiential rewards that enable their employees to create better memories inside and outside of work will have a competitive edge. The highest trending experiential reward is flexible working - something we are also seeing from our own logistics candidates, who expect more give and take from employers in return for long hours and demanding shifts. Flexible working gives employees more time to create those memories with families and friends. And that’s before you consider the additional benefits of increased diversity, higher loyalty, enhanced productivity and engagement.

9 in 10 people now want to work flexibly; which is inversely proportional to the 1 in 10 supply of quality flexible jobs advertised. Timewise study, ‘Flexible Working: A Talent Imperative’

The business benefits of flexible working

Many employers still see flexible working as an employee perk. However, flexible working can not only increase productivity, it can help increase diversity, loyalty, engagement and productivity - and therefore revenue.

According to one survey of 8,000 global employers and employees, 83% said that flexible working had led to productivity improvements. 61% said it had increased company profits. Flexible: friend or foe? – by Vodafone

Flexible working CAN work in logistics

So why are so many businesses so reluctant to embrace flexible working? In industries where there is a demand for a 24/7 service like logistics, it seems almost impossible to embrace.

Lower skilled roles

For lower-skilled roles, it certainly poses more of a challenge. Some businesses offer:

  • Allowing workers to leave early to pick up children from childcare
  • Working shift times around transportation issues, like bus or train times, where required
  • Offering part-time shift work
  • Job sharing
  • Operating split shifts (early morning and later evening), so that students can attend university/college

However, it’s important that any such policies are seen as fair for all.

Senior roles

Offering flexibility for senior-level roles is easier - and can be a key differentiator in attracting top talent and for millennials to consider it as a future career option. Field-based roles such as Regional General Managers, Operations Directors and Regional Transport Managers involve a lot of travel. Implementing cloud-based software with appropriate security protections that enables employees to work on-the-go or at home is imperative. Doing so can help alleviate longer hours as employees can work whilst commuting and offer flexibility in working hours. Roles such as Warehouse Managers will require the overseeing of shirt patterns, so are often seen as a no-go for flexible working. However, can you offer early starts and finishes, so long as core hours are covered? Even offering a little more flexibility can make your employees feel that there is sufficient give-and-take. And if you do offer any flexible working, make sure it’s explicit in your job adverts and discussed at interview. It’s a key differentiator, so use it to its maximum potential. If you wish to discuss how to attract top talent in your marketplace right now, why not get in touch with our Logistics & Supply Chain experts today on 0333 121 3345 or via email at hello@castuk.com.