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The Dos and Don'ts of the Office Christmas Party

Wayne Brophy

Dec 18, 2018

The Dos and Don'ts of the Office Christmas Party


Mad Friday or Manic Friday or - God forbid - Black Eye Friday. Whatever you call it, the most popular night for Christmas parties will be with us this week. Nursing a hangover and trying to remember if you got out all of your In-Betweeners dance moves may be one thing. Waking up in locked in your underpants in a nightclub is another...  (Great social media work, GMP!) Jokes aside, the office Christmas party can be a great chance to bond with your colleagues. But it can also be a drunken conversation or act you come to regret - even if you’ve blacked it out. Even less offensive actions can still leave you feeling out in the cold when you return to the office after the Christmas break. So read on for our top tips for being a social butterfly instead of a social grenade at your office Christmas party. DO...

First and foremost, do attend! Unless you have a very good reason for not being there, you should make the effort to turn up and show that you are a dedicated part of the team.

Do stick to the dress code. This is not the time to dig out that ill-fitting tuxedo that’s been gathering dust in the back of the closet or for the dress that doesn’t leave much to the imagination; dress smart and dress appropriately.

Do everything in moderation. Yes, we know, a free bar and unlimited booze are just all too tempting, but there is only one way four glasses of champagne, a bottle of red wine and six Jagerbombs is going to end, and it’s not pretty.

Do mingle! You should take this opportunity to speak to people from the office that you don’t usually get a chance to chat to - from the colleague who you always pass in the lift to senior members of staff that you’d like to make a good impression on.

Do put your phone away. Spend your time socialising, stop checking your phone and have a good time.


Don’t pluck up the Dutch courage to tell your colleagues what you really think of them, or even worse, your boss! Maintain a level of professionalism and be mindful of what you’re saying.

Don’t get involved in office gossip or rumour spreading. It’s far too easy to get caught up in ‘he said, she said’ conversations with your colleagues. Avoiding this is always for the best, but becomes even more critical after a few drinks…

Don’t trap people in long, boring conversations. Your colleagues will more than likely want to mingle and the Christmas party isn’t the time to tell people how fantastic your kids are or how much you love your dog.

Don’t sneak off without saying goodbye. No matter how much your colleagues have had to drink, someone will notice that you’ve disappeared. It’s rude not to say goodbye when you leave, especially to the person who has organised the event (who also deserves a thank you!).

Don’t take a chance on your office crush. Ignore your instincts, the office Christmas is a chance to get to know your co-workers better, but not that much better…

Don't do something you'll regret. The office party is a time celebrate, so have fun with your work friends and enjoy your night but be sure to keep it classy. After all, you don’t want to be the butt of everyone’s jokes for the next 12 months do you?

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