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Payroll Manager - Chesterfield

Payroll Manager

Companies invest enormous amounts of time ensuring they get the best possible workforce, so the least they can do is pay them the right amount, on time. For large businesses, that responsibility lands on the desk of the payroll manager. Ultimate success in the job comes when the staff barely know they exist, because they get their salaries exactly as planned, although few probably understand the work that goes on in the background to ensure that happens.

Payroll manager jobs are all about ensuring the systems are in place to keep on top of the ebb and flow of staff payments. There’s a complex employment situation out there, with employees getting raises, putting in overtime, working unusual contracts and receiving bonuses, and getting what they expected all feeds into the job satisfaction that’s essential for businesses. 

Payroll jobs are also about staying au fait with the law on paying staff, ensuring PAYE systems are in place and accurately implemented, and keeping on the right side of employment regulations. They will also play a role in a business’s financial reporting and projection, reporting to finance managers and directors.

Payroll manager skills

Payroll manager jobs go to candidates who can prove they are organised, methodical and completely on top of their brief. With reporting and perhaps some payroll forecasting being part of the job, excellent bookkeeping and planning are essential too. 

You’ll be fully adept at using the major payroll software solutions as well as the regular suite of office software, and will be able to instruct and train others on their use. As the person with whom the buck stops when there are payment snags, you’ll also be a calm-headed problem-solver, able to identify issues and act on them quickly – employees need that money in their accounts.

Payroll Manager Jobs in Chesterfield

Situated 9 miles (15 km) south of Sheffield, the Derbyshire town of Chesterfield has more influence from this city than it does with Derby, its county capital, 21 miles (35 km) to the south. To the east of the town the M1 passes on its Nottingham to Sheffield stretch, and the west of Derby is taken up with 3 miles (5 km) of agricultural land before the start of the Peak District National Park. Chesterfield is connected to Derby, Leicester, Rotherham and Sheffield by rail. Its current population of around 100,000 makes it the most populous town in Derbyshire, second in size only to the city of Derby.

Historically a market town, Chesterfield became associated with coal mining after the discovery of a large seam in the 19th century, when the town’s population grew rapidly. The coal was discovered during the excavation of a tunnel for George Stephenson’s Derby to Leeds railway line. During construction, Stephenson moved to Chesterfield, and it was in the town that he was to end his days, aged 67. A statue of Stephenson stands outside Chesterfield railway station. The engineering legacy continued until recently, however. Chesterfield-based Markham & Co. made the machines that excavated the Channel Tunnel, among other tunnels.

Much of the heavy industry has now left Chesterfield, and in many ways the town has returned to its Market roots, although there is understandably a much larger service and local government sector now. Occasionally, Payroll Manager positions are filled in Chesterfield, but more so in the surrounding area, particularly Sheffield.

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Payroll manager jobs at Cast UK

Is your business looking for someone to take the reins at the head of the payroll department? You need to speak to Cast UK. We have a diverse and highly experienced roster of talent to draw from, whether that’s applicants or people from our networks whom we can approach on your behalf. Call us on 0333 121 3345 to start the search.

If you’re a payroll manager or have the skills from your own payroll jobs to step up to manager, you should register with us by following the link below. Companies need your talents right now.

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