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M P and L Manager - Chelmsford

M, P and L Manager jobs

Materials, planning and logistics (MP&L) is the blanket name for the activities that make up the supply chain, and is often thought of as the “big picture” approach as opposed to focusing in on specific elements of the chain. The idea is that efficiency will be achieved because it is often the interactions between the supplied parties that causes snarl-ups. Having materials delivered too early or in too great a quantity, for example, can cause stockpiling problems; even though it is probably more efficient to deliver in greater bulk, any cost benefits can be lost in the storage surplus.

The M, P and L manager will be in charge of a supply chain team whose job will be to keep the whole process running smoothly, anticipate and act on potential problems, achieve ever greater efficiency and ultimately keep the customers happy.

As manager, you will be assigning team members to certain jobs which will largely be centred on gathering performance data and being the company’s points of contact for their relevant accounts. While their information will be focused, you as manager will be in charge of the big picture, working out ways of making the system better, alongside analysts and other managers.

The skills required

As with any management post, being able to deal with people will be a key skill. Being receptive to suggestions as well as taking instructions from above will help keep the office running smoothly and harmoniously. However, knowing when to apply your authority and expertise to a given situation will help maintain the unified objectives of the supply chain in place.

There will be a good deal of data gathering, analysis and manipulation in the role. A good head for mathematics will stand you in good stead, but perhaps more importantly, a strong aptitude for IT applications will be required, as that will be the usual way of handling data and making forecasts. Although existing IT experience will be useful, you may find that the new employer uses its own bespoke system, in which case an ability to pick up software solutions quickly will be helpful.

M P and L Manager Jobs in Chelmsford

Located in Essex, Chelmsford was granted city status in 2012 and is the only city in the county. It is situated on the River Can, around 32 miles from Charing Cross and is considered to be part of the London commuter belt, meaning it offers a range of options for those seeking M P and L Manager positions.

Chelmsford's history can be traced far back in time and evidence of Neolithic and Bronze Age settlements have been found. In 1199, the town was granted a royal charter and the market is still held in the centre today.

During the Middle Ages, Chelmsford was named the county town of Essex and its population continued to grow in size. The railway arrived in the middle of the 19th century, leading to further economic growth and by the late 1800s, it had become known for its manufacturing industry, particularly electrical equipment.

In 1899, the world's first radio factory was opened in Chelmsford and during the second world war, the region produced machinery and light engineering.

During the end of the 20th century, Chelmsford declined economically. However, the city has gone through major regeneration over the last 30 years and these days it is an important location for administration and distribution.

Chelmsford is currently home to a number of large companies, including investment managers the M&G Group, electric motor manufacturer ebm-papst UK Ltd and e2v Technologies, which is known for its high-tech engineering products for the medical, science, aerospace and industrial markets.

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Cast UK’s supply chain opportunities

Applicants approach Cast UK for many reasons. They might be seeking more job fulfilment, they could have been made redundant or they might simply be relocating for family reasons, so it’s good to know that we always have the complete range of positions available nationwide. Please see what’s available in your region and if you’ve seen something you’re interested in, do get in touch – whether it’s today or tomorrow, we might have the ideal position for you.

Cast UK’s founder members and consultants all come from the logistics, procurement and supply chain sectors, so we know what employers and candidates are looking for in their staff and careers respectively. Cast UK is a growing force in the UK recruitment industry, mainly because these are the only sectors we deal with. That means that many employers often come to us first to create a candidate shortlist because they know we’re tightly focused on delivering the best people to them.

To find out more about how Cast UK can help you recruit a M, P & L Manager for your business or find you a job as a M, P & L Manager then contact one of our consultant team on 0333 121 3345.

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