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Buyer - Royal Tunbridge Wells

Buyer jobs

Whether a company operates in the medical, manufacturing, construction, education or defence sector - or another industry - it is essential to find the right supplier for the goods and services that the business uses. That's why Buyers are so important to commercial success.

Of course the role of a Buyer isn't just to make the necessary purchases. The job will also require careful research and negotiation to ensure that projects are finished on time, under budget and to the quality standards you require.

Depending on the role and employer, a Buyer may also be responsible for monitoring existing suppliers - in terms of cost, performance and reliability - keeping track of inventory levels and chasing up deliveries as appropriate.

The skills required

As a member of the procurement team, a Buyer should have a strong understanding of how to choose the best supplier for each project. Good numerical and analytical skills are essential and you must be able to negotiate prices and contracts confidently.

Buyers should also have good communication skills and be able to build strong relationships with suppliers.

Working within a global market, it is likely that the suppliers you deal with will be based in other locations like European or Asian countries, so an appreciation of cultural differences and an ability to communicate in foreign languages can be extremely beneficial.

In some cases, the job may also involve a significant amount of travel - to meet the suppliers in person and see the products before entering a contract.

Buyer Jobs in Royal Tunbridge Wells

As the name suggests, Royal Tunbridge Wells gained its popularity as a place to take on mineral spring water which in days gone by was believed to have health benefits. Like several other spa towns across the nation, this soon attracted well to do folk with disposable income to visit and take the waters, particularly during the nineteenth century, although in this case the spa status began rather earlier. Roads and eventually railways would allow greater numbers of people to come, and the population grew as hotels and other services sprung up to accommodate and pamper them. From an early stage, Royal Tunbridge Wells was designed to be architecturally striking, and it remains so today.

Nowadays, however, the importance of the spa and the waters is negligible to the local economy, although the tradition started by it, and which earned it the Royal prefix, remains important to the town’s atmosphere. Royal Tunbridge Wells is a wealthy town with almost zero unemployment, and although it has thriving financial and tourism industries, acts as a commuter town for London. Part of its success is its relative isolation from other large settlements, which makes it a draw for all the villages in the region. The centre of London is 30 miles (50 km) to the north west, and about the same distance to the south is the South Coast.

Such towns, where tourism and commuting are dominant, might not seem like ideal candidates for Buyer jobs, but wherever there is an affluent population and a half-decent transport network, they do occasionally emerge, usually with a retail employer.

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Find Buyer vacancies with Cast UK

Here at Cast UK, our team of recruitment experts specialise in helping fill vacancies in supply chain management, logistics and procurement.

Each of our consultants has worked in these industries themselves, and they have a strong understanding of what makes the best candidate for each position. In addition, we endeavour to get to know you on an individual level, ensuring we understand your personality and long-term objectives, as well as your unique skills and abilities.

Cast UK works with clients and candidates in locations across the country to match the best talent to every role. To find out more about how Cast UK can help you recruit a Buyer for your business or find you a job as a Buyer then contact one of our consultant team on 0333 121 3345.

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