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Accounts Payable Manager - Grimsby

Accounts Payable Manager

While a startup company will usually get by with a single accountant dealing with all the incoming and outgoing payments, as it grows, this becomes more complex, especially when the business relies heavily on suppliers. Whether it’s vendors, freelancers or other services, they normally work on credit, so won’t expect immediate payment, but will expect regular, timely and predictable payments after invoicing if the relationships are to survive.

In supplier-heavy businesses, the accounts department will often be split into accounts payable and accounts receivable, and overseeing the payable team will be the accounts payable manager. It is the team’s responsibility to ensure all invoices coming in are correct, matching purchase orders and other forms of confirmation that products and services have been delivered. Then, they’ll ensure payments are made within the agreed timeframes. The Accounts payable manager will put procedures in place to ensure the department runs smoothly, and will troubleshoot and chase up queries when the staff are unable to.

The skills required for senior accounts payable jobs

Accounts payable manager jobs are best performed by those who have worked their way up the accountancy departments of businesses, whether that’s in general accounts or specifically in accounts payable. Since payable and receivable do have different goals and responsibilities, experience in the payable side is often preferred, but there’s enough crossover to make the skills quite interchangeable at the managerial level.

The accounts payable manager will be an excellent communicator, and should know their way around the various accounting software suites. They’ll also need to be able to investigate queries and chase up disputes, as the supplier is often right when there’s an invoice disagreement.

Accounts Payable Manager Jobs in Grimsby

As town names go, Grimsby might sound a little unoptimistic, although one theory is that the name bore no relation to the demeanour of the town; it was simply named after a Dane named Grim, who probably went out of his was to prove his conviviality by doing exciting things like founding towns. There was a presence in Roman times, but it appears that the town was mainly founded by the Vikings, so maybe the legend is true.

It was during the early 1800s that the town really grew in size, though, becoming an important port on the east coast of Britain, and industrial scale fishing started, to feed the booming population. By 1848 the town had a railway link, and grew even more, becoming a major port for exporting coal. Grimsby was targeted during WW2 (although not its famous tower, which bomber pilots used for naviagation).

After the 1950s, Grimsby’s fishing was to go into terminal decline, although the fish market remains a thriving part of the town, and is indeed the largest in the UK (although little of the produce is from the North Sea). This is partly why food processing and frozen food companies are a key part of its modern economy. Young’s and Findus both have large presences in the town.
The cargo ports at Grimsby and Immingham is the busiest in the UK by tonnage, its georgraphical location being a great help for hopping across to mainland Europe to Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium. And wherever there are ports, there is an ongoing demand for Accounts Payable Manager jobs, and Grimsby is no exception.

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Accounts payable manager jobs at Cast UK

Is your business looking for an accounts payable manager? At Cast UK, we put companies in touch with capable, enthusiastic candidates who could be a perfect fit in your accounts department. Drop us a line on 0333 121 3345 so we can start searching.

If you’re an accounts payable manager or have the talent and experience to step up to the role, please register with us by clicking the link below. A top business could be looking for your skills right now.

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