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Account Director - Blackburn

Account Director jobs

Winning new clients is a high-energy job, with a high potential for blind alleys and expended time between successful campaigns. That’s why it’s highly cost effective to devote quality time and resources to retaining existing clients. For that, skilled account directors are required.

In larger logistics companies, account directors will have a team of account managers underneath them, and they will deal directly with clients on a one-to-one basis; clients generally like to be dealing with the same person, who will know their needs and issues. Account directors will oversee the whole customer retention operation, and will be responsible for strategic decisions to this end, but not necessarily the micromanagement of order fulfilment. The account director may also have responsibility for organising and instructing a sales team in order to win new clients, as well as seeking out new openings with existing clients and their partners.

Reporting to the company management, he or she will be expected to explain decisions and actions and provide regular reports. Any problems that cannot be addressed by the account managers will become the account director’s responsibility, followed ultimately by the management’s.

Maintaining morale will be an important role, both in the clients and in your own team. Whether this means treading on egg shells or throwing a party will depend on the relationship!

The skills required

Interpersonal skills, particularly diplomacy, will be a key skill of the account director. Since different clients will have different needs and desires, from methods of payment to hours of work to corporate personality, you will need to have an instinct for switching demeanour at the sound of a ringing phone.

Sales and marketing experience will be extremely useful, as selling one’s company’s benefits does not end with the winning of a client; they will probably be constantly seeking out other deals to reduce their overheads, and you will need to be able to convince them that your company is the best option for them. You’ll need the confidence to be able to make important decisions without constant recourse to senior management.

Account Director Jobs in Blackburn

A large town in Lancashire, Blackburn is a busy place with many opportunities for those looking for Account Director vacancies. Plus, it's just nine miles from Preston and 20 miles from Manchester, thus offering an easy commute for those who live or work in these other locations.

From the middle of the 13th century, Blackburn was a mill town that produced textiles - and was once known as the weaving capital of the world. The spinning jenny, was invented by local James Hargreaves in 1764 and it paved the way for Blackburn to become one of the first industrialised towns.

After the end of the second world war, Blackburn's textile sector experienced a brief boost, and then fell into decline. Along with the rest of the region, a combination of deindustrialisation and global competition meant much of the work was outsourced abroad and the town suffered economically.

Today, Blackburn is experiencing a renewal, as the economy switches from manufacturing-led industries to the service sector. However, around 20 per cent of the local workforce is still based in manufacturing, with one major employer being BAE Systems.

Other top employers in Blackburn include the local council and Blackburn College, as well as the East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust.

The IT, finance and communications sectors also play a big part in the local economy, and many of the leading companies in these fields can be found in places like Greenbank Business Park and Shadsworth Business Park.

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We work alongside hundreds of UK employers to ensure their new positions are filled by the best people. We only employ – and are founded and managed by – people with experience in logistics, supply chain and procurement.

To find out more about how Cast UK can help you recruit an Account Director for your business or find you a job as an Account Director then contact one of our consultant team on 0333 121 3345.

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