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Supply Chain Director - St Albans

Supply Chain Director jobs

In order to achieve targets in regards to cost, efficiency and customer service, the supply chain director is a key member of a company.

Depending on the employer and the nature of their business, the person in this role will generally work with the planning, warehousing and supply chain departments to develop strategic plans, implement procedures, monitor operations and look for ways to improve processes in terms of key performance indicators.

In most cases, supply chain directors report directly to the company's MD, providing updates on strategies and successes within the company and advising on changes that could benefit the business.

In addition, the supply chain director will be a team leader, so responsibilities will include working with employees to ensure all members of staff are properly trained and motivated. Other tasks could include working with HR to hire new recruits, carrying out regular performance reviews and maintaining adequate staff levels through effective scheduling.

The skills required

Successful applicants for the role of supply chain director will need to be computer literate and proficient with the various software and systems used within the organisation - such as the technology used for research, statistical analysis, preparing reports and creating presentations.

In addition, you should be a champion for change, always seeking ways to make improvements in the company in order to benefit staff, stakeholders and customers. Project management experience is also vital.

Supply Chain Director Jobs in St Albans

St Albans is a historic city separated from the north London conurbation by about 6 miles of countryside. The city has had a presence for thousands of years, but it was the construction if its cathedral in the Middle Ages that brought the town to prominence (although it wasn’t formally completed until the nineteenth century). St Albans is supposed to be named after the first British Christian martyr, who was executed by the Romans.

The modern city is what estate agents would describe as full of character. It takes in architecture of many periods, although much of it is twentieth century detached or semi-detached housing or Victorian terrace. The city is served by two railway lines that carry passengers right into the heart of London (one via Watford Junction), and the town is nestles in a U-shape formed by the M1, M25 and A1(M). This ease of travel and the general pleasantness of the city has made it a highly attractive with commuters, and house prices have been kept high because of the demand.

Although many of the inhabitants pack themselves onto trains and head for London every working day, St Albans, with its economically active population, has quite an advanced infrastructure to maintain, which is why it is not unusual for Supply Chain Director positions to become available either in the city itself or in nearby Watford, Luton or Hemel Hempstead.

Looking to advance your career?

Find Supply Chain Director vacancies with Cast UK

At Cast UK, our team of recruitment consultants has extensive experience in the logistics, supply chain and procurement sector.

We can help you navigate the jobs market to find a role that suits your experience and qualifications, as well as your personal objectives.

In addition, each of our consultants have worked in the supply chain field themselves, so they can provide the advice and assistance you need to secure a role that matches your skills and ambitions.

To find out more about how Cast UK can help you recruit a Supply Chain Director for your business or find you a job as a Supply Chain Director then contact one of our consultant team on 0333 121 3345.

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