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Sales Manager - West Midlands

Sales manager

Sales professionals are often highly talented and qualified members of any organisation, but without a strategy and a direction, their hard work will never be as effective as their credentials deserve. Keeping them all pushing in the same direction is the sales manager.

Sales manager jobs normally lie between the team itself and the sales director or, in the absence of such a position, the board. Their role is to turn the company’s sales goals into reality through careful planning, coming up with a workable strategy and ensuring the team is able to get it done. They will do this with a mixture of hands-on instruction, hiring relevant staff and removing others from the team, monitoring sales performance and reporting back to the board with accurate figures and projections.

In larger companies, there could be another echelon in the sales hierarchy, such as an area sales manager or a regional sales manager, who will have similar responsibilities but over a distinct geographic area

The skills required

Sales managers need to balance the personal with the technical. Sales can be an exciting role when you’re landing new contracts and motivating a talented team, but there’s a lot of calculation and poring over figures involved.

You’ll need to have a good contact book and be able to recognise potential openings, which means you’ll have to be on top of your sector constantly, monitoring its moves, trends and opportunities. And since you’ll be the focal point for a whole sales team as well as the point of contact with the board, you’ll also need to be an excellent speaker and presenter.

Sales Manager Jobs in the West Midlands

Home to a number of cities and towns, including Birmingham - often called Britain's Second City - as well as Coventry, Stoke-on-Trent and Wolverhampton, the West Midlands has long been a centre of industry and commerce for the UK and it's an ideal location for anyone seeking Sales Manager jobs.

During the Middle Ages and throughout the Industrial Revolution, Coventry was known for producing wool and cloth. Meanwhile, other parts of the region were known for their metalwork - Birmingham for its small arms and Wolverhampton for locks, ironmongery and brass work.

In addition, the West Midlands region was a prime source of raw materials like coal and iron ore, something that became increasingly important throughout the 18th and 19th centuries.

As time moved on, the focus of the region shifted and car manufacturing overtook the other industries, while bicycle production was also a large part of the local economy for many years.

Today, the West Midlands area is home to a number of tech companies, as well as food and beverage manufacturers, with Nikon, Hitachi maxell, Fujitsu, Muller Dairy Ltd, Bulmers Cider, Cadbury UK, Marmite, Coors Brewers and Bird's Custard just a few examples.

Other brands that call the area home include Michelin Tyres, Dechra Pharmaceuticals, Volvo Group UK and the National Express Group.

Popular locations

Sales manager jobs at Cast UK

Perhaps you are a sales manager looking to find a role that fits your skill set perfectly, or there are other sectors that you feel you’d ace compared to your current position. If this sounds like 

you, there are companies looking for your managerial talent right now, so please leave your details by following the link below.

If you’re on the lookout for a talented, qualified sales manager, you really need to get Cast UK on the case. We are experts at recruiting for this level of employee, and can help whittle down to a superb set of candidates for interview. Please call 0333 121 3345 to speak to one of our consultants.

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