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Get ahead for 2018: How to speed up your recruitment process.

Wayne Brophy

Dec 07, 2017

Get ahead for 2018: How to speed up your recruitment process.


Ensuring your recruitment process is as efficient and speedy as possible is vital if you want to secure the best people in your marketplace and get a head start for 2018. Statistics suggest that you will pay at least a 10 - 15% premium to secure new employees in the January transfer window, compared to December. The Logistics Employer Skills Survey reported that 57% of companies surveyed have lost potential candidates due to the length of the recruitment process, which is a shocking statistic if you stop to think about it. With the numbers of people in employment in the UK being at a record high, the Skills Gap biting and Brexit looming on the horizon, you simply cannot afford to miss out on great talent simply by not being quick enough.
Here’s our top tips to speed up your recruitment process to secure the talent your company needs;
  1. Think long term You may not require anyone immediately, but that’s not to say you won’t suddenly have a key member of your team resign & suddenly require someone new, someone able to hit the ground running to avoid a dip in productivity. If you are constantly aware of your marketplace & the people available out there, you’ll have a head start even before you start recruiting for a particular position. Make sure you network constantly all year round to ensure you have the connections you require when you need them.
  1. Keep your interview process nimbleAvoid long and drawn out processes with many rounds of interviews or assessment centres. A two-stage process with help maintain focus and enthusiasm on the candidate’s side.
  2. Block book interviews in advanceIf your process requires your senior management team’s presence at the second stage, make sure you block book interviews in advance, so you can minimise the time between the first filter interview & the second stage.
  3. Don’t waste time on maybesHarsh though it sounds, take our advice & if you’re not sure about someone’s cv its unlikely that person will be the runaway favourite after the first round. Follow you gut instinct and only interview people you’re genuinely interested in.
  4. Consider online video interviewingConsider carrying out your first-round interviews using virtual interviewing video software – this allows you to interview a candidate without you (or them) having to travel to a location which potentially could be miles away. In an alternative scenario, if you are struggling to find a mutually convenient time to meet, you can send them a list of questions & they can simply record their answers using the software for you to view at your convenience.
  1. Outsource your recruitmentOk, we’ll admit we’re biased on this one, but recruitment is a distinct skill with techniques and expertise that doesn’t necessarily come naturally to all employees. Outsourcing brings in the best practices and makes use of a recruitment consultancy’s networks to find the best candidates.
  2. Treat your recruiter as part of your businessLet them inside your business, see how you operate, and you’ll probably find your recruiter will be your most valuable partner, identifying potential talent long before you’d considered taking someone on.
  3. Don’t ignore your existing assets!For every new recruit your company hires, there’s a company that’s lost an employee. Review your staff turnover: could it be that you’re not paying enough attention to their development and potential career paths? A great retention and talent management scheme can make staff feel valued and increases your chances of finding your next manager or executive internally.
Interested in finding out more about how you can streamline your recruitment process? Find out below how video interviewing could benefit your business in improving the hiring process...

Dress professionally from head to toe. And while you might be tempted, don’t just dress appropriately from the waist up. If for some reason you need to stand up or move, you don’t want your interviewers to see your pyjama bottoms and best button-down shirt and blazer combo!

video interviewing