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FTA reacts to London freight plan

Wayne Brophy

Oct 09, 2013

FTA reacts to London freight plan

A message of support has been given by the Freight Transport Association (FTA) about Transport for London's (TfL) efforts in collaborating with the sector. However, the FTA also says that TfL and boroughs in London shouldn't forget that logistics has a crucial part to play in the economy of the capital. It serves, supports and keeps businesses in London going, the organisation said. It came as TfL launched its Delivering a road freight legacy action plan focusing on capital freight issues. This looks at and builds upon the industry and TfL teamwork which was successful when London 2012 was happening. At the time of the games, the FTA says that it played a vital part to help form plans around transport and in getting information into the hands of members. "The Mayor's aspirations for London will see major changes in the way deliveries are made in the capital in the next few years," commented managing director of policy and communications at the FTA James Hookham, in the wake of the Deliver a road freight legacy launch. "This document recognises the magnificent achievements of the logistics industry and London transport planners in supporting London during the 2012 Games and starts to set out the priorities and challenges to conventional practices that will emerge and be demanded in the future." Certain proposals from the mayor like developing the Ultra-Low Emissions Zone and bringing up safety standards for vehicles, when added to the fact that London's population is getting bigger, are going to give the industry significant challenges during years ahead, the FTA says. The sector stands ready to react to new conditions such as higher safety standards and delivering during the night, said Mr Hookham. "But TfL and the London boroughs must not lose sight of the fundamental role that the logistics industry plays in the London economy in order to support, serve and sustain London’s businesses," he added. Authorities in the capital have a vital part to take in ensuring the efficiency, reliability, safety and sustainability of service calls and deliveries, he argued. The body will be working alongside the Freight and Fleet Delivery team of TfL to support work on plans from the Deliver a road freight legacy publication. Cast UK is one of the country's leading professional level logistics recruitment consultancies. Fill your next vacancy with us today!