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Regional Manager - Chester

Regional Manager jobs

Management of a large logistics company has many echelons of power, from the chair and board at head office to the delivery boy in Swindon. The best way to run a large operation is to let instructions filter through various levels of management so that instructions reach the right people with the right degree of specific expertise attached. For management purposes, companies can be divided into skill-specific departments and/or geographical locations, and the regional manager will be in control of one of these divisions.

Overseeing several warehouses, depots or offices, the region manager will be their point of contact when company policies are being implemented. The regional manager will know how the locations under his or her control interact with each other and with the other regions, and will liaise with the managers of other regions regularly.

It will be up to the regional manager to ensure that company policy is implemented within his or her region, and also to deal with problems and queries from the heads of the locations, preferably without having to take the issue to a higher level. The regional manager will also have budgetary responsibility over the region under his or her control, so an ability to identify efficiencies in the processes under his or her control, and the ability to take remedial action, will be essential.

The skills required

Strong executive skills will be a prime requirement of the regional manager of a logistics firm. They will be the last port of call before the head office, and they will be expected to apply corporate directives autonomously, within budget and to the satisfaction of clients.

Successful regional managers will be excellent communicators, verbally and in writing, as they will be the conduit between management and regional staff, and misunderstandings need to be minimised if the region is to run to plan.

The job will almost certainly entail a fair amount of travel which, depending on the size of the region (it could be a county, country or even a continent), could mean long stays away from home.

Regional Manager Jobs in Chester

Chester is a city on the eastern tip of Cheshire, so far to the east in fact that parts of the city are actually in Wales. The city’s old football stadium actually straddled the border so that one of its goals was in Wales, the other in England. The new ground, the Deva Stadium, is entirely in Wales – but has an English car park! The name Deva comes from Chester’s Roman name. The city still ahs most of its Roman walls and there are Roman excavations in the city, but the architectural style inside the city is much more modern: Tudor, Victorian and Medieval.

The majority of the city, and all of the walled area, is situated in a natural semi-moat formed by the River Dee. Although pleasure trips go along the Dee, it isn’t navigable in and out of the city, but throughout history canals, railways and roads have connected the city with Cheshire, the Wirral Peninsula, North Wales and Wrexham. Chester is at the end of the M56 and M53 which enter its north side, and southwards it is connected by major A-roads.

Despite its somewhat gentrified appearance and affluent populace, Chester does have a relatively strong industrial heritage, although the main sources of income and employment nowadays are retail, tourism, education and government. However, the economically active population with a huge demand for goods and services does mean that Chester has a thriving logistics, supply chain and procurement sector. For this reason, it is a good place to find Regional Manager work.

Looking to advance your career?

Cast UK’s logistics opportunities

Cast UK’s founder members and consultants all come from the logistics, procurement and supply chain sectors, so we have a great understanding of what employers and candidates are looking for. Employers trust us to create candidate shortlists because these are the sectors we deal with exclusively; they have confidence that we’ll help them find the most appropriate people for their positions.

We’re a nationwide consultancy with jobs in every county and city, so if you’re moving home, take a look at the positions available in the new region. If you’re simply looking for a career change, have a look around the site or contact us direct to start your job search. Once we have your details, you’ll be in the best possible position to find the ideal job in the future.

To find out more about how Cast UK can help you recruit a Regional Manager for your business or find you a job as a Regional Manager then contact one of our consultant team on 0333 121 3345.

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