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Programme Director - Watford

Programme Director Jobs

Some companies have an ongoing policy of continuous business change and/or transformation. Others assemble teams solely to put one C&T project into action. In both cases, however, the task is better served by the installation of a director overseeing and influencing the whole programme. The programme director either assembles a team of managers or takes over an existing team, and is the eyes, ears and voice in the board on all matters related to the change and transformation taking place.

The programme director’s overarching responsibility is to ensure the C&T programme is designed, implemented, monitored and followed up carefully and methodically, with as little as possible left to chance, to maintain the support of the board and the shareholders. Whereas business change generally faces little opposition from within, transformation can seem to represent a higher risk, even when the sums all add up. The programme director may in some cases therefore be required to inform and reassure such parties of the benefits of the new direction.

The skills required

Rock solid board-level experience seeing a business change or transformation programme from idea to final report is an absolute must for the majority of companies looking for a programme director. Some, however, will consider managing a complex, high value programme under the direction of a board as enough of a qualification to make the step up. It all depends on the size of the business and the nature of the programme being dealt with.

Because of the unknown factors in any change and transformation programme, it is important that research is fully carried out ahead of the programme starting and that the information gained is understood and communicated well. Having a board and the shareholders on your side makes business change and transformation all the smoother, so you need to recognize great communication, whether you are personally delivering it or whether you hire an internal communications manager.

Programme Director Jobs in Watford

A town located in Hertfordshire, Watford is just 18 miles from London and is a busy area with many opportunities for those seeking Programme Director roles.

It also boasts easy access to the capital - via overground trains or the Metropolitan underground line - making it perfect for those who want to work in London, but live away from the hustle and bustle of the big city.

Situated on the River Colne, Watford is thought to have originated during the Saxon period and was mainly an agricultural area until the Industrial Revolution. Thanks to the completion of the Grand Union Canal in 1798 and the London and Birmingham Railway in 1837, the city quickly began to expand.

During this period, manufacturing became an important part of the local economy, particularly paper-making, printing and brewing.

For most of the 20th century, a Rolls-Royce factory was located in Watford, which was responsible for manufacturing jet engines. This site was shut down in the early 1990s and re-born as the world-famous Leavesden Film Studios, which has been used for work on blockbuster franchises like James Bond, Star Wars and Harry Potter.

In line with the rest of the country, the service sector has taken over in Watford during the last 20 years and the city is now home to various multimedia companies. What's more, a number of large companies have the headquarters here - including Mothercare, Hilton and JD Wetherspoons.

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Find Programme Director Jobs with Cast UK

Cast UK is focused on several areas of business, including change and transformation, for managers and directors only. The advantage of this specialist approach over general recruitment agencies is clear to see, and is why companies and top candidates come to Cast UK first when they seeking to fill these roles.

Although we’re headquartered in Manchester with offices in London and Birmingham, we recruit for companies all over the UK. Our recruitment consultants are fully trained and often come from the line of work in which they are recruiting, so we know the needs and desires of candidates and employers alike. Call Cast UK today on 0333 121 3345 so you can become our latest success story.

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