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Materials Planning Manager - Gwynedd

Materials Planning Manager jobs

The need to keep materials coming into the factory in any production enterprise is clearly an essential element in the success of the business. But the way they are ordered is essential for the profitability of the company. Routinely order too much too soon and the need for larger, more expensive stock rooms or hoppers will be required. Unfortunately this is the default for many companies who subscribe to the bird in the hand way for thinking. They might not realise how poor planning is eating into their profitability.

The materials planning manager will be in charge of a company’s, or a single production line’s, incoming materials. He or she will need to find the optimum level of materials purchase and ensure that it arrives as close to the time of need as possible to make best use of storage space. The job will also be a link between the demand-side elements – customers and later stages of the production chain – and the suppliers of materials and components essential for productivity.

The planning manager will need to feed changes in demand through to the suppliers in a timely manner to ensure continued production. At the very least, this will mean ensuring there is a supply of materials, but wherever possible it will mean calculating the optimum way of getting the materials in terms of delivery loads, storage costs and staffing needs.

The skills required

The key skill of the materials planner will be the ability to understand data from a variety of sources and to act upon it in the company’s and the customers’ best interests. Typical sources will be sales teams, customer order information and regular ongoing productivity data, but there could be some degree of analysis or liaison with forecasters to predict future trends, peaks or troughs that will need to be converted into materials orders from the suppliers.

Excellent communication and interpersonal skills will help with the job too. There will be as much understanding of these diverse sources of information as there is explanation to the relevant parties. When orders are complex or liable to change, it is vital that communication channels are kept open and accurate.

Materials Planning Manager Jobs in Gwynedd

Gwynedd is the county that takes up the whole of the north west of Wales, Anglesey aside. Within its borders are a range of well known holiday resorts and the highest mountain outside Scotland, Snowdon in the Snowdonia National Park. This National Park takes up much of Gwynedd’s area, and attracts visitors from all over the world all the year round. Key settlements in the county are Bangor, Caernarfon (the administrative headquarters), Pwllheli, Porthmadog, Barmouth, Dollgellau, Blaenau Ffestiniog and Beddgelert. Before tourism, the region had a proud mining heritage.

The county of Gwynedd is the second largest by area in Wales but has a relatively small population, 120,000, partly because much of the mountainous land is uninhabitable. However, the static population is only part of the story, and the vast numbers of tourists mean that the supply chain and logistics industry is kept busy. That is good news for anyone seeking Materials Planning Manager jobs, and they are quite common in Gwynedd.

Popular locations

Cast UK’s supply chain opportunities

Cast UK is growing in the UK logistics, procurement and supply chain recruitment industry, partly because these are the only sectors we deal with. People approach us for many reasons, whether seeking more job fulfilment or simply relocating with the family, so it’s good to know that we always have the complete range of positions available nationwide.

Our founder members and consultants all come from these sectors, so we know what employers and candidates are looking for in their staff and careers respectively. As we only deal with these fields, many employers come to us first to create a candidate shortlist because they know we’re tightly focused on delivering the best people to them.

Please see what’s available in your region and if you’ve seen something you’re interested in, do get in touch – whether it’s today or tomorrow, we might have the ideal position for you.

To find out more about how Cast UK can help you recruit a Materials Planning Manager for your business or find you a job as a Materials Planning Manager then contact one of our consultant team on 0333 121 3345.

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