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Head of Facilities - Plymouth

Head of Facilities

When a business has just one location, there’s always going to be a person whose job it is to ensure the building itself and all its functions are running properly. It might be an office manager, plant manager or such like. But businesses with multiple locations need a more strategic, joined-up and budgeted way to run the properties, and that task is fulfilled by the head of facilities.

The role will be a blend of planning the facilities for future needs, ensuring the books are balanced for all the locations and planning maintenance, cleaning, services, safety and so on – in summary, keeping the facilities functional, profitable, legal and sustainable.

Under the head of facilities, management usually acts on a hierarchical basis, more so in larger operations with multiple plants, offices, depots and storage facilities. That means the head of facilities will often be based in the head office and will delegate tasks and goals to facility managers at the locations, but there will also be regular attendance on-site within the region covered.

The skills required

Head of facilities jobs usually demand experience in overseeing multiple locations of an organisation, and successful candidates will be able to demonstrate a strong aptitude for delegation to, and communication with, the various location managers. The job will be a blend of strategic planning and more urgent decision-making – you could be where the buck stops when a location manager needs to troubleshoot a pressing issue and a potentially costly decision has to be made and then justified to the board.

For some positions, however, experience managing a single facility will be a sufficient qualification, as many of the budgetary and management skills scale up straightforwardly.

Head of Facilities Jobs in Plymouth

It is impossible to separate the Devon city of Plymouth with its naval heritage. With a seafaring history dating back to before Roman times, it would go on to become a key military port in the Spanish Armada attack and has played a part in most naval battles in British history owing to our nation’s fractious relations with its southern neighbours. It is also the place from where the Pilgrims set off for the New World in the early 1600s, hence the name Plymouth Rock that marks their landing place.

The city had a good Industrial Revolution, with industry growing around the port, ideal for import and export, and nearby Devonport became a shipbuilding centre. The port’s success and importance did have a drawback, however. The city and its docks were heavily damaged by German bombers in World War II, and much of what stands in the centre of Portsmouth today is of post-war origin.

While seafaring still plays a part in the culture of Plymouth, and connected industries still exist in the area, its importance as a naval and commercial maritime centre have diminished somewhat since the 1980s. There has been a growth in hi-tech industries, with establishments such as the Tamar Science Park providing innovation opportunities.

The city is also in the top 20 by population in the UK, which, together with its overseas trading opportunities, make it the kind of transport hub where Head of Facilities jobs often show up.

Popular locations

Looking to advance your career?

Heads of facilities use Cast UK

At Cast UK, we only deal with high calibre people and positions, so if you’re looking for a head of facilities for your business, please reach out, as we’ll be able to shortlist a superb selection of candidates for your role. If you want us to be your recruitment partner, call us on 0333 121 3345 and speak to one of our consultants.

If you’re looking to take a step up the ladder as a facilities manager and you’ve got the skills and experience, why not click the link below and register with us? We could have just the role for you.

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