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Business Development Director - Ipswich

Business Development Director jobs

Successful businesses don’t run themselves, and clients can never be taken for granted. It is for these reasons that business development is an ongoing speciality in successful companies. While sales teams tend to seek out new leads, and account managers deal with existing clients, a business development team, usually run by a business development director, straddles the two jobs.

The main task of the role is to maximise profitability by keeping abreast of new openings both in terms of finding potential clients and getting more out of existing clients, a task that clearly requires diplomacy and subtlety!

Reporting to senior management, the business development director will be in charge of making sure budgets are kept to and targets met. In larger firms, the position might oversee business development managers who in turn are in charge of specialist marketing, sales and development staff.

The skills required

Successful business development directors will have great interpersonal skills, in particular a highly professional approach to sales. They will need to be able to quickly understand potentially complex business strategies and targets as set by senior management and communicate them to the team under their control.

As companies vary in size, the specific skills required of the business development director will also vary, so whereas he or she might be talking to particular clients daily for one firm, the role might be more of a co-ordination one in another, so skill sets required will be quite diverse for the career business development director.

Business Development Director Jobs in Ipswich

Situated in the county of Suffolk, Ipswich is a lovely place, located on the River Orwell. It's a thriving community, with a stunning waterfront and many historic buildings. Plus there are a number of opportunities for those seeking Business Development Director vacancies.

As one of England's oldest towns, Ipswich has a history that dates back to the Roman Empire when a fort was built in the vicinity.

The town really began to form, however, during the Anglo-Saxon period and during the seventh and eighth centuries it was an important trading port with Scandinavia and the rest of Europe. The nearby Sutton Hoo archaeological site has been an extremely important place for those interested in studying the life and culture of ancient Britons from this period.

Ipswich was granted its first charter in 1200 and for the next four hundred years, it carried on as a market town and trading hub. During the 1600s it was also a common port for those boarding ships and sailing to the New World.

During the Industrial Revolution and well into the 20th century, Ipswich was known for agricultural manufacturing, with enterprises ranging from sugar beet processing through to motorised lawnmower production.

Today, many of the industrial buildings have been converted to offices and flats, although the port still sees millions of tonnes of cargo pass through every year.

Much of the local economy is now based in the service sector and IT. Adastral Park is a massive business park, home to BT's global innovation and development centre, while other tech companies with offices in the area include Fujitsu, Ericsson, Cisco, O2 and Nokia Siemens.

Popular locations

Cast UK’s logistics opportunities

Cast UK’s recruitment consultants work with many employers around the UK to ensure positions are filled by the best people, and many of them approach us to create a shortlist rather than advertising jobs nationally or locally. We have specialists for every UK region and all the major cities, so wherever you are, we could have a position for you.

Whether you're moving house, looking to change employer or are simply seeking a change in career, get in touch with Cast UK. Our own staff are all source from within procurement, logistics and supply chain, and these are the backgrounds of our founder members, so we fully understand the needs of the industry.

To find out more about how Cast UK can help you recruit a Business Development Director for your business or find you a job as a Business Development Director then contact one of our consultant team on 0333 121 3345.

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